Sunday, March 15, 2015

Weekend Writing Warriors #8sunday (RO)(FA)

It's Sunday and time for the Weekend Writing Warriors. Participants post 8 sentences from a writing project, either published or unpublished. Today it's a bit from my work in progress ~ The Changeling. (to be released in 2015)

First my 8, followed by details~
Oonagh regarded each fully opened flower carefully as she walked among the roses, her silver clippers in hand.

She couldn’t abide fading blooms and once had an entire plum thicket destroyed after a late-season frost caused the trees to drop their blossoms too soon. She couldn’t abide fading of any sort. In fact, more than one aging woman had been banished from the Aos Sidhe court. The courtiers’ faces, their aged and desiccated faces, hanging around her court like so many withered winter apples refusing to drop from the tree, reminded her of her own rapidly fading beauty. A wrinkled rose brought to mind her mother, Ensala, the source of this unwanted legacy. Frowning, Oonagh snipped the bloom from the stem and kicked it under the foliage, out of sight.
What just happened~
Queen Oonagh is a tad insane and in her insanity decides she can pay a tithe to hell in exchange for a wish granted. In her mind, such a wish would allow her to keep her beauty. In one night of unspeakable cruelty, she finds herself a sacrifice for her imagined tithe to hell --a changeling. He's half Fae and half human. He's also her nephew.

What this story is about~ I adore fairytales. The Changeling is a Victorian spin on the fairytale of Tam Lin. The story is taken from an old ballad from the borderlands of Scotland.


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۞>Saturday & Sunday Happenings on my other blogs<۞

My Sexy Saturday & Sexy Snippets

Weekend Writing Warriors  

Daily Post & Fun Day Sunday

Sunday Peek
A promo op for you too!**

See my Links page. I'm everywhere!

anniv2015I'm participating in the Romance Reviews month-long anniversary celebration on my satellite blog. Throughout March, 350 authors and industry representatives will give away at least 350 prizes, including a $100 gift card. My particular contest day is on March 30th. Though my post is up all month long, March 30th is when my Q&A goes live. Read the excerpt, answer the question, and you'll have a chance to win!

 See my Links page. I'm everywhere!


  1. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

  2. Wow, extremely intense snippet, and intriguing!

  3. I like the way you've built her character. Even in this little snippet the reader gets an excellent sense of who and what she is.

  4. Wow, engrossing snippet. She is absolutely mad. Intriguing story, Rose.

  5. The characterization in this snippet ... wow! You've done a fantastic job. Now, I'm impatiently waiting to hear a release date on this story. Great job!
