Sunday, January 25, 2015

Weekend Writing Warriors

It's Sunday --time for the Weekend Writing Warriors. Participants post 8 sentences from a writing project, either published or unpublished. Today I'm offering a small sampling from The Witchy Wolf and the Wendigo (book 1) A tale inspired by a local urban legend and dressed up with ancient lore.

First my 8, followed by details~
He shifted into a feathered snake before taking the form of a mouse and working his way out of a sleeve. The movement caught the attention of an owl on its nightly hunting foray. Just as it was about to swoop low on silent wings, intent on nabbing the large field mouse, a naked man with a mouse tail and whiskers appeared. The owl, clearly startled, flew off into the night. 

Laughing, Ash raised his arms and yelled after it, “This is not your night, my brotherrrr!”

Tail and whiskers absorbed into his changing form and once again bare skin grew feathers. He shifted into a raven — a six-foot-tall raven. Laughing at himself, he made his body small and flew fast to Livie’s home, albeit not in a straight line.

What just happened~
Ash,an ancient Native American Shaman, discovers beer. It's obviously a potent shaman's drink if it's capable of making one mindless.Here Ash is trying to make it back to Livie's house before she does. She has no idea he's actually the stray dog she hit with her car and is now caring for in her home.


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  1. Ok, that is just the most fun excerpt! I could visualize him morphing from one shape to the next and then laughing at the owl. Wonderful snippet!

  2. I agree with Veronica! I had fun reading this snippet, and could picture his transformations. Great snippet!

  3. Love this snippet. I quite enjoyed the imagery you used during the shifting process.
